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Diaper Punishment


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    Diaper Training In The Hole Hd

    Please Note: All content on this site is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Diaper Training In The Hole Hd

    Clip Description

    Bob caught her sitting on the toilet again for the third time this week. Sick of it, and after giving her an enema, he takes her down to a hole beneath the house and locks a chain and collar about her neck. He lets her know she can either go on the floor beneath where she is chained or go in a diaper and contain it.

    Clip Duration:      7 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4216.2 MB

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    Messy Diaper Punishment - Diaper Training In The Hole Hd

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Diaper Training In The Hole Hd

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Diaper Training In The Hole Hd

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Diaper Training In The Hole Hd

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Diaper Training In The Hole Hd

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Diaper Training In The Hole Hd

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